Miks Change Log
Card game build notes:
-Added new game board Clarity:
-Deck now notifies the player if there are any cards left
-Deck now notifies the player if their hand is full -Added death animation for card
-Cards now highlight when selected for attack
-Buff/Damage popups now have an outline
-Popup saying Blocked shows when a card blocks an attack
-Updated card game tutorial popups to match its' current state
-Swapped victory and defeat screens
-Hooked up new player images to card game
-Changed the game board image Attacking:
-Player can now de-select a card for attack with right click
-Added arrow pointing towards cursor when player has a card selected for attack
-Card attacking is now click and drag as opposed to click, then click
-Attacking now shows an arrow pointing towards the cursor <Bug fixes>
-Can no longer spam end turn -Card rating now works properly when cards get buffed
-Player can no longer attack when opponent is attacking
-Victory/Defeat screen fixed -Fixed softlocking issue while drawing cards
-Fixed issue with card overlaping the attack animation
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